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- 04.09.2017 -05.09.2017 /Kazan, Russia
- Downstream Tatarstan
- 18.04.2013 -19.04.2013 /Porto Portugal
- Jornadas de Medicina Intensiva da Primavera
30.06.2011 /Campus Garching, TU München
Boltzmannstraße 15
85748 Garching - IKOM Munich
- 28.06.2011 /Paris
- CEO-Roadshow Paris
- 17.01.2011 -19.01.2011 /Frankfurt
- Cheuvreux - 10th German Corporate Conference
- 28.10.2010 -31.10.2010 /Nice, France
- 2nd European Headache and Migraine Trust EHMTIC
- 23.10.2010 -26.10.2010 /Copenhagen, Denmark
- Meet us at the European Academy of Paediatric Societies, EAPS
18.09.2010 -22.09.2010 /
Barcelona, Spain
- Come see us at the European Respiratory Society Annual Congress
- 14.09.2010 -18.09.2010 /Lisbon, Portugal
- Meet us at the 20th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society
- 02.09.2010 -04.09.2010 /Berlin, Germany
- Visit us at 2nd Congress of the European Society for Paediatric Anaesthesiology
- 03.08.2009 /Munich
- Q2 Results Analyst Presentation